
Freelance samples
The ElbowRoom, Asthma Standards, KTT System

Baltimore samples
Corporate, Intranets/Extranets, News Flow, Mergers and Acquisitions, Events

Global Golf (FM) samples
Global Golf, Holiday Ireland, Duty Free Europe Campaign, Dublin Events of the Week, St Andrews, UCCL, City of Derry Airport

Webfactory samples
Guinness, Bank of Ireland, Budget Travel, The Commonwealth, ESB, Community Structural Funding in Ireland Info, EMI Classics, Fusion (Horizon), Giltedge Ties, Kindle Banking Systems, Molloys Liquor Stores, McGarry Ski and French System, Screen Scene, Temple Bar Gallery and Studios, WBT Courses, WillSearch

EMG sample
EMG, ShortCutz, PetStop Superstore