Baltimore Technologies Corporate Homepage Developed this into a portal model with strong branding, redundant navigation systems, easy addition of new items or business units into the web marketing mix and complete compliance to W3C standards. Template-based system allowing easy expansion of web site (from 2,500 pages to 10,000 enabling easy expansion as the company rapidly grew.
Baltimore Developer Zone Changes in product groupings necessitated and allowed for variations on core branding to give greater identity to new initiatives as the portfolio grew so big.
Commercial Certificate Authority Section dealing with legal developments in the CCA business. Also including Baltimore's own Certificate Authority which by necessity had very little room for error and had a high security requirement. Early variant of core branding.
Events Section promoting all the events at which Baltimore exhibits or at which a Baltimore representative had a speaking role. Linked to Baltimore's annual e-security conferences.
Example of german localised content. Other languages covered included spanish, french, italian, swedish and japanese.
Investor Relations For a company that was, for a time, a member of the FTSE100, IR was extremely important. The main considerations for this were investor news flow, timely execution of mergers and acquisitions, stock price information, annual and quarterly reports, with huge financial tables, and streaming of analyst/company call-conferences. Due to FSA and SEC regulations the timeliness of investor news flow was critical.
News News flow was the most critical marketing operation with up 200 press releases in various languages being issued in one year. Also included elements for building mailing lists for corprate news letters and press release notification services. All list were built using permission-based methods and the monthly growth of lists was in the range of 10-20% per month with almost 40,000 at time of exit.
UniCERT (flagship product) Incorporated product information, patches, documentation and reviews. Also included photographing and graphic treatment of product and award shots.
Global e-Security Convention 1999 Design, templating and roll-out.
Global e-Security Convention 1999 Exhibitors information including sourced and treated exhibitor logos.
Global e-Security Convention 2000 Redesigned to ensure smooth scalability during conference, templating and roll-out. Though held in Orlando, the site managed from Dublin.
Global e-Security Convention 2000 Highlights from the previous convention including photos (incl montages) and other downloadables.
Global e-Security Convention 2000 Registration with back-end integration.
Global e-Security Convention 2000 Exhibitors information including sourced and treated exhibitor logos.